Saturday, 10 January 2009

Busy...and loving it!!!

As you may have noticed I have not updated here for nearly a week. I am quite busy with our household at the moment especially now our little fighter is back! And I am enjoying every minute of it....Since she was born she has been in and out of hospitals half of her life and it felt like I missed out on so much even though I was with her. So now I try to make up some lost time with my NEW baby ...she has changed so much and for the better!!Might be handy to keep a cow ourselves in the back garden with the appetite she has developed and she is blossoming in every way! Her smiles seems happier even!!

just 2 weeks ago...still amazed some photos.

24 hrs after the ventilator in an oxygen head box and breathing on her own!
4 days after surgery when the dressing was taken from the wound. Under the scar you see the scars where the drains where in
6 days after...she is ready to go HOME!!!that's what we did the next day!


Posh Totty said...

Its fab to get back to some normality isnt it, I can so relate to that.
I am so pleased your lil lady is doing well and long may it continue too Xxx

Awesome Mom said...

She has such bright eyes and chubby cheeks!

Isn't life good with your new baby? All that awful waiting is over and you can just enjoy her.

Rhys's Story said...

Fantastic to see Dounya is back home where she belongs,,,bit worried about having a cow in the back garden tho !!! LOL
Well Done Dounya and Alexandra and all the family xxxx

DafadDdoniol said...

Welcome home, she's looking really well bless she's gorgeous :o)

Karen xx